Bhatar Bomber_1.0.apk

Bhatar Bomber_1.0.apk


About This App

App Name Bhatar Bomber
Developer Modder Akash
Requires Android 1.0
App Size 6.34M
Version 1
Features ๐ŸŒŸSMS+Call Bomber๐ŸŒŸ

What is SMS Bombing? 

SMS bombing, also known as text bombing, is a form of cyber attack in which an individual or group sends a large number of text messages to a victim's phone, causing it to become overloaded and potentially crash. This can lead to disruptions in communication, privacy invasion, and even financial losses if the victim is charged for each message received.

1. se Call and SMS Filtering Apps. 

There are several call and SMS filtering apps available that can help you block unwanted messages and calls, including those from SMS bombers. These apps allow you to blacklist specific numbers, filter out spam messages, and customize your settings to only receive notifications from trusted contacts.

3. Avoid Sharing Your Phone Number

Be careful about sharing your phone number, especially on public forums, social media platforms, or websites that are not secure. Avoid providing your contact information to unknown sources to reduce the chances of becoming a target for SMS bombing attacks.

5. How To Use. 

First you have to enter the victim's number, then you have to type on start, after that Boomer will start, this will happen only once a day and so use it wisely